As part of the SHAREImpro project and beyond, LiSi*A is part of various festivals throughout Europe. All projects, events and festivals that LiSi*A is a creating, organizeing or in which LiSi*A participates have a focus on improvisation or Collective-Transmedial-Instant Composition. With our interest in research, collective and transmedial aspects of improvisation and instant composition, we develop different approaches, in forms of warm-ups, performance practices, and research methods, which we, in addition to our individual artistic contributions, are always greatful to present at festivals and events.
Festivals and events where LiSi*A was part of (since 2018):
Spime (participation since 2019 at the Editions SPIME #3,#4,#5,#6, #7#8), Improvised music and performance
ANIS GRAS – Le lieu de l'autre, Arcueil/France, LiSi*A Residence
Research and Public Event, ANIS GRAS – Le lieu de l’autre, Arcueil/France
SHAREImpro Jamsession – French Theater Festival, Grid, Prag/Czek Republic
Instant Dialoges, Series of Events, KunstbeTrieb, Vienna Zwischenräume
Art Festival, Salzburg/Austria, Café des Enfant, 1,2,3 Poéme,
Children Art festival, ANIS GRAS – La lieu de l’autre/Arcueil/France
Chili Jazz Festival (participation since 2018), Radical improvised music and performance, Heiligenkreuz im Lafnitzthal/Austria
MIA - Encontros de Música Improvisada, Atougia da Baleia/Portugal
Schnittpunkte der Musik (participation since 2018)
Radical improvised music, performance and painting, Heiligenkreuz im Lafnitzthal/Austria